
Showing posts from 2017


September is a month to be aware. Aware of a silent but deadly disease that takes the lives of too many women. September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. In September of 2014 Stephanie was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. Three years later our lives have changed dramatically. We are the proud foster parents of two lovely boys aged 4 and 4 months. We are co-owners of a growing real estate practice and investment company. We are also stronger than we ever were before Stephanie’s diagnosis. Just last month Stephanie learned that she no longer must have cancer screenings every 3-months. She now only must go every 6 months. Now after 3-years she can finally have a bit of breathing room. The biggest milestone for her disease is the 5-year mark. Statistically, being free of cancer for 5 years significantly increases her prognosis and survival. I never expected to be discussing my wife’s survival at 33 but I guess that is one of the reasons why Stephanie and I are so passi
Gregory, Having just rocked our cranky 3 year old to sleep for a reluctant nap, I can't help but to be grateful for you and everything you've given me.   I am grateful that you have given me motherhood. You are trudging though the muddy waters of foster care with me, leading the way, and bulldozing over any obstacles that get in our path.  This is not an easy road, but you made my desire to be a mother your priority.   I am grateful that you have given me our business. I get to work everyday doing something I love and am passionate about, and I get to do it with you.  Your strengths perfectly counter my weaknesses and vice versa.  There's no way our business would be where it is today if you hadn't given up your career to join me. I'm grateful for our friendship.  You make me laugh everyday.  You call me out on my BS and you hold me accountable. You make me a better businesswoman, a better mother, a better friend, and an all around better person.