
Showing posts from May, 2015

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance of those who have given the most they could give to preserve the great thing we have going here in the United States.  It is surreal to think about all the lives lost in service for our country.  Each one leaving behind a story, a family, hopes, and dreams.  This holiday also coincides with a significant point in Stephanie’s battle with cancer.  Next week she has her first scan post chemotherapy that will determine if she has any current evidence of disease still in her system.   Remembering ... Reflecting... on the journey we have had since September 17,2014.  Ten to fifteen surgeries / surgical procedures, countless doctor visits, nearly one and ½ months spent in a hospital bed, a cancer diagnosis, a trip Houston to cancer mecca, bladder issues, poop issues, and a loss of fertility all start to skim the surface of the last 9 months. As we approach Stephanie’s hugely important scan and we all try to get back to “normal” life, I have been