Looking forward

The toughest part of my day is right before I kiss Stephanie goodbye in the morning before work.  As I walk from our bathroom doorway into our bedroom I glance up and I see a nightstand covered with a humidifier and at least 5 sometimes 10 prescription bottles.  Next to the nightstand sticking out of what appears as a mound of covers is Stephanie's head without hair.  I see her snuggled up asleep knowing that when she feels well enough to get out of bed she will be staring a day of nausea, boredom, and struggle in the face.  I walk over to her, I kiss her as many times as she will let me before grimacing at me because I woke her up.  I tell her I love her and that she shouldn't hesitate to call me if she needs anything at all.  I then go to work.

That’s it.  The hardest thing I deal with all day.  When I think about it seems petty that it is hard for me because when I see and learn the hardest parts of Stephanie's day I realize my struggle is small in comparison.  However, Stephanie takes every day in stride with her head held high (when it is not above a toilet of a vomit bag) moving forward as much as she can in her fight to beat this hellish disease.  

It is important for Stephanie to keep looking forward day after day.  Pushing. Fighting. Dreaming the same dreams she had before she knew of the disease and the scars, both physical and emotional, it would leave on her life.  It is with this in mind that I request you to help her look forward to something specific.  Help her walk with confidence and with the support of other women who have fought the same fight.  

Churchill Downs honors those women who have fought, are fighting, have won, and have lost their battle with female cancers.  This upcoming Oaks Day, 141 representatives of the many women that deal with this have an opportunity to parade.  A dual opportunity to be recognized for their struggles and help other women be more aware of the a disease that can often remain symptomless if not caught early.  

I believe Stephanie deserves this opportunity.  I hope you do too.  Please vote daily and encourage your friends to vote for her using the link below.  Her vote tally has a significant momentum already due to two dear friends.  One, Carmeta, who nominated her so kindly and the other a dear friend who has taken Stephanie's candidacy as a personal project she manages while struggling through her own fight with cancer.  

The voting expires at the end of the day on March 31.  Thank you for the continued love and support. 


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