The Beginning of the End... Sort of

This Monday and Tuesday marks the beginning of the end of my scheduled IV/IP Chemo treatments.  After Tuesday, I have a week to recover then I go in for my last scheduled outpatient IP treatment.  We won't know for sure that I will not require anymore IV/IP treatments until we do scans towards the end of May to make sure there are no more visible tumors that require additional treatments.  We do know that my CA 125 (the blood work that the doctors use as my tumor marker) is very low >5.5 , which is good news.  However, even when my abdomen was full of tumors and cancer, my number wasn't very high.  So, the CA 125 isn't the best predictor of disease in my case.

I ended the title of the post with "sort of" because Ovarian Cancer is a lifelong diagnosis.  When my doctor and I decide that I can be finished with this chemo treatment, I will begin a daily regimen of drugs to help keep my cancer from reoccurring.  I will go to the doctors for regular scans and blood work to keep a close eye on things.  The statistics are alarming - 80% of people diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer will experience a recurrence.  Both my doctor and I are expecting good scans based on my previous surgery and scans.  Our hopes and prayers are obviously that this chemo has wiped all cancer cells out of my body and that I will be one of the lucky 20% that does not have a recurrence.  However, I am still cautiously optimistic.  Ending this Chemo treatment does not guarantee that additional chemo, radiation, surgery, or other types of treatment will not be required down the road.

The end of this Chemo treatment is something I've looked forward to since before it got started.  Part of me wants to jump up and down and celebrate.  Another part of me is still terrified that the next appointment, or the appointment three years from now, will bring us bad news.  Every doctors visit from now on has the potential to turn our lives upside down again.

For now, will will focus on today.  Getting back on track with our lives and plans.  Today is the beginning of the end of chemo and the beginning of returning to life as usual.  Returning to our hopes and dreams that were so abruptly put on hold.


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