
I think that Greg and I have done a really good job of making the best of our situation.  We always try to find the fun side of what's going on and keep a positive outlook.  But, don't be fooled, he and I have cried too.

  I cried when I found out I had to get two more tubes, I cried when I was told that I was not yet ready for the life-saving chemo I desperately need.  I cried when my hair fell out.  These moments were met with a few tears and sniffles, then quickly wiping my face, taking a deep breath, and getting on with life.  There are people who do not have the resources or the support that I have and are in worse situations than me.  I need to suck it up and keep moving forward.

There is one aspect of what's happened to me that I haven't figured out how to get over yet.  I usually find myself crying about it when I'm in bed late at night or early in the morning and everyone is asleep.  Sometimes, in the middle of the afternoon I'll see something that reminds me and I turn in to a big weepy mess.  

As far as I can remember, it's the very first thing I cried to my husband about immediately after the surgery.  My sweet husband came into the recovery area, took my hand, and I told him, "We would have made such pretty babies" with tears streaming down  the sides of my face.  And I haven't figured out how to suck this one up or even if I should.  It seems like this deserves more than than an "oh, well".

How do you mourn the loss of something you never had?  So quickly, and with almost no warning, I lost the opportunity to make those cute pregnancy announcements I had been Pinning on a secret board.  I won't know if I would have been a skinny pregnant lady, or someone who gains 50lbs.  I'll never get to feel a baby kick and move.  Greg and I can't take those beautiful maternity pictures where Mommy and Daddy lovingly embrace their baby while still in mommy's belly.  No one will get to guess if they have Greg's eyes or my nose.  

Greg and I weren't sure yet if we wanted to have two or three kids, but I knew I at least wanted one boy and one girl.  We have names picked out, most of them are family names.  I love the idea of being connected with your ancestors by a name.  

I know there are so many children that need homes.  And when all of this is behind us I'm sure we will have a family and we will have so much love for our kids.  In a way, I feel guilty to our future children by crying over our new inability to have kids of our own.  Will my future kids read this and feel hurt or less wanted and loved?  Then of course, that makes me cry too. 


  1. Stephanie although a different situation, my husband and I lost the only pregnancy I could carry...., we have adopted 2 pretty amazing kids and I love them with all my heart! But i will never get over not being pregnant- and all the things you mentioned- it's a continual grieving process- for you.... Pray
    To be healthy and get this cancer out and gone forever so you can be a mommy- via adoption. Those babies grow up and still call you mom!! God Bless you!

  2. Hi Stephanie,
    Many of us at Semonin are reading your blogs and I want you to know I am praying for you. We barely know one another, just acquaintances really. I'd see you at the office and your sense of enthusiasm and happiness was all over your face.
    As difficult as this is, your sense of humor can only be a good thing. Love the pictures in the wigs, especially with the captions below.
    Keep up your positive attitude and continue to fight! You can do this! I'm praying for you everyday.
    Rhonda Speaker

    1. Amen Rhonda! Amen!!
      Terri L. Gardner

  3. This is so beautifully written and I actually think writing down your feelings and sharing them, are a big step in your emotional healing. It's okay to shed some tears. Although its geared more towards couples who experienced infertility vs cancer the website and organization ReSolve will have lots of great resources for you. The website is The support and resource sections will likely have the most info. Stay strong! You will beat this!


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