"I'll have what she's having"

As you may have read on Greg's previous post, we had an unexpected hospital admission to figure out why my tubes have been collecting more fluid as opposed to gradually declining.  The doctors planned to put me to sleep to get a detailed look at my "plumbing" and put things back together.  Prior to this, and most other procedures and surgeries, I am given medication the help me relax. I'm not sure what this medication was called that they gave to to relax, but holy cow it worked! Within 15 seconds of the IV medication I felt "Step-on-me Runny Dunn'ed" and "Insta-drunk" (both terms used to describe me when I've had one too many glasses of wine and get really giggly).  I insisted that my friend Kara put make-up on me before the procedure and the whole pre-op area was laughing at everything I was saying.  Greg was kind enough to get some of this moment on video.

Here is the video:


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