Regular Deposits in the Porcelain Bank

Have you pooped today?  Do you poop regularly?  The last time you went did you take a second to appreciate that you can poop?  I suggest the next time you are so lucky to take your browns to the super-bowl, take a moment to be thankful that you are able to do so in a healthy and regular way.  

Narcotics, chemotherapy, surgeries, urine leaking in your abdomen, anxiety are all contributing factors to an unhealthy bowel.  Stephanie has been struggling in this area for the last several weeks.  This week has been particularly HARD (pun) for her.  She has reached what I describe as an obsession with poop and has spent an abnormal amount of time in our small bathroom at the house this week.

Before cancer, Stephanie was extremely averse to discussing her experience with going #2.  So averse in fact, that I made it a regular habit of discussing the act with her just to see her reactions.  She is now so comfortable with discussing poop that she joked that she was going to take a picture of her latest success and post it to this blog!

There are so many little changes in our lives due to her diagnosis and I am writing about poop because this is one of the many small changes that I did not expect.  Even though she is suffering from her inability to exorcise her brown demons, it is still pretty funny for us to talk about.

Next time you sit down to say goodbye to Mr. Brown, be sure to send Stephanie some good juju for her poo-poo.


  1. That sounds the Greg and Stephanie I know, things do have priorities. I know you are both very strong pepole and with frI ends and family to lean on you will come through this. I see from other post that a great many are reaching out with stories of others who habe beat this. I have a good friend that also beat stage 4 ovian cancer when they said the odds weye not good. We continue to send pracers for you all and thank God for your mom. If I can do anything even of you just need a ride somewhere please do not hesitate to ask. Lover to both of you!


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